*Hello ladies, today here we are some inspiration. Each of us, I think, have some inspiration or simply someone, who you like for her/his style or anything else. I prepared a presentation from fashion blogs I like. Write down who you like and why. I feel interest in your opinion, your inspiration.

3) stylescrapbook.com klasika mezi fashion blogy, která prostě nezklame. Díky Andy jsem si oblíbila mikiny a svetříky a naučila se je kombinovat v jakoukoliv roční dobu. / classic between fashion bloggers which never disappointed you. Thanks to Andy I love sweatshirts and any kind of cardigans/jumper which I wear whatever season is right now!
3) camilleovertherainbow.com a její nesmrtelné kombinace s džínama, och. Perfektní vkus bez hranic / immortal jeans combos, och. Perfect style without limits!
4) fashionvibe-blog.blogspot.cz styl plný barev, který nám dává pocit, že se tak můžeme obléct i my (a to během 5 minut ráno), vybroušené ale nic složitého, v jednoduchosti krása. Holt, někdo má na to oko / colourful style which gives us a feeling that we can also look like that ( within 5 minutes in the morning, haha), polished but nothing complicated, yes there is a beauty in simplicity. Someone knows how to do it.
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nějaký look s touhle sukní uvidíte brzo i u mě!! / some looks with this skirt in my blog soon !! |
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