
Casual afternoon

 Tak, další post, tentokrát i nějaké outfitu, tenhle je takový hodně uvolněný, nic nuceného. Nově ulovené, super legíny, k tomu mokasíny a šedý svetřík. Ideální na odpolední procházku s přítelem v tomhle krásném počasí. Jinak přítel má nový fotoaparát, tak doufejme, že se s ním rychle naučí (zatím fotí co se dá i nedá, nadšení netají)

* Ok, here is my new post, finally some outfit, this one is really casual, nothing special. Newly hunted, super leggins with loafers and grey sweat. The combo ideal for a walk with my boyfriend during this beautiful, warm weather. Otherwise, my love has a new reflex camera so hope that he teaches with it quickly, now he's taking photos of everything, possible even impossible, he is madly in love with his new baby:)

legíny/leggins - ZARA, sweat/svetřík - Lindex, loafers/mokasíny - ZARA, bracelets and ring/náramky a prsten - ASOS, Lindex, bag/taška - ZARA

3 komentáře

  1. Hi! I found your blog through Kayture. Gorgeous blog, isn't it? Anyways, I love casual outfits - they are super chic and perfect for any occasion! :)

    1. Hi! Yes it's really cool blog, it's gonna be a looong way to get where she is with her blog :D

  2. nice outfit, your patent loafers are really cute!
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