
Lovely Prague

Tak páteční koncert J.Lo byl famózní, opravdu skvělá show. Celý výlet se vlastně odvíjel v perfektním duchu, a to ani nevadí, že sněžilo. Nacpala jsem se dýňovou polévkou v oblíbeném Bakeshopu, dala jsem si jahody s ananasem v čokoládě, litry kafe na zahřátí a večer se s přítelem kochala nádherným výhledem z okna našeho hotelového pokoje. Miluju naše výlety, každý někdy potřebuje pořádný relax, na nic nemyslet. No ne?
A snad se vám zalíbí i fotky, byly celkem bojové podmínky (ale co bych pro vás neudělala, xoxo)

* So, J.Lo's friday concert  was amazing, really great show. Whole weekend and trip to Prague was excellent, so relaxed (even the first snow didn't bother!). I ate a lot of pumpkin soup at Bakeshop (my favourite), strawberries and pineapple with chocolate (the best dessert in the world, it reminds me childhood when we were soiled but so happy) and drank litres of coffee. Also have to mention the perfect and romantic view from our hotel's room window. Love those trips with my boyfriend, sometimes everyone needs a real relax, am I right?
Hope you'll like these photos, conditions were combat (but, I'll do a maximum for you, xoxo)

Bunda/jacket and kalhoty/pants - Zara, boty/boots - Max shoes, čepka/beanie - H&M


4 komentáře

  1. prague is one of my favorite cities I've been to!And you are such a pretty girl!love your style!amazing military jacket combined with gorgeous red pants and AMAZIIIIIING boots!!love your blog!If you would like we can follow each other?just let me know!


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