
Even Sherlock Holmes needs a secretary

Svetr jste už viděli v minulém outfit postu, tady jsem ho nakombinovala jinak. Jde tedy vidět, že je crop stylu. Líbí se mi, že je tak multifunkční, chytré svetry jsou dobře sloužící svetry, no ne? Jinak se pomalu ale jistě blíží období, kdy se toho ve škole kupí a kupí, znáte to, nic se nedělá, nedělá a pak najednou bum, zápočty, zkoušky, všechno naráz. Inu, bojovat se musí! Někdy si ale říkám, vysoká škola je fajn, je důležitá. ALE. Kde na nás pak budou bez praxe zvědaví, že? A přiznejme si, těch brigád taky není moc...Máte nějakou dlouhodobější brigádu?

* You could see this jumper in last outfit post, now I've combinated it in a different way. Crop style of jumper can be seen clearly this way. I like the way the jumper is multi-functional because a clever jumper is a good servant jumper, am I right? Otherwise, slowly but certainly is coming the time when school stuff cumulate, you know, you can't do nothing, nothing and boom! Credits, exams - all together in one time. Yes, we all have to fight! Sometimes, I tell to myself that university is really important thing. BUT. Where do they want us with any practice, right? And be honest, part-time jobs are shortage goods. Do you have any part-time jobs? Mean the long-term ones?

Kabát/coat - River island, svetr/jumper, košile/shirt - Stradivarius, sukně/skirt - Asos, boty/boots - Topshop


19 komentářů

  1. Moc ti to sluší:) Dokonale jsi nakombinovala různé střihy oblečení:)

  2. this coat is amazing!! too bad we don't have a river island here:(

  3. You're absolutely stunning,darling!;)

  4. Nice blog:) If you want go to my blog:)

  5. this look is perfect! warm but stylish
    NRC ♥

  6. Stunning outfit!
    Love the grey and black shades combined!


  7. love the title of this post!


  8. That coat is gorgeous, love the leather sleeves. Cool outfit.

  9. Oh wow! the first shot of the layering really is fantastic! And I love the title of this post, super cute! Love the black tone and the textural differences between the pieces as well as the proportions. You really know how to work with pieces and layering, it's not something a lot of people can do, you MUST work in fashion! So glad I clicked on your comment that led me back to your blog, and oh yeah I totes followed you since your posts' contents are info and image juicy so expect to be seeing some regular comments from me, you don't have to follow me back don't worry. Btw, I recently did an outfit post in an elevator; who'd knew it was that tough to pose in a metal box, you've gotta' check it out!

    xx The Provoker

  10. Great Idea.. I like Your new design Coat!! Awesome and new products...

  11. Wyglądasz niesamowicie pięknie! :)

  12. This look is perfect for work! I love your coat!

    I just started a new blog and I would love that you and your followers could check it out!
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  13. great outfit, love BW combination!


  14. woow!Gorgeous style-you are perfect!


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