Lookbook s výtvory od Isabel Marant pro řetězec H&M je konečně na světle světa. Pěkné, jako vždy. Isabel je boho žena s citem. Očividným. Nositelné kousky jsou koneckonců (buďme upřímné, hned po ceně) klíčem 'módy pro všechny'. Vzpomeňme na 'dostupné' Versace kousky. Ty nositelné do práce/školy, by se daly spočítat na prstech jedné ruky soustružníka.
Můj post nebude vyloženě o publikaci onoho lookbooku, vygooglujte si, a najdete 10 stránek obsahující tento lookbook.
Já se raději věnuji kouskům, které (alespoň podle mě) stojí za extrémní pozornost. Možná nejuniverzálnějším, mé nejoblíbenější, nejvýhodnější - pojmenujte podle sebe.
* Lookbook with Isabel Marant babies is born. Nice like usual. Nothing surprising. Isabel is a boho woman with obvious sense for fashion. Wearable piece are (lets be honest, after price) the most important thing about FASHION FOR EVERYONE. Lets remember 'affordable' Versace pieces. The wearable pieces can count up lathe operator's one hand fingers.
My post is not about this lookbook. I want to show you my favourite, the most universal, most wearable, most iconic pieces of this collection - lets choose the name you prefer.
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149.99 pounds |
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39.99 pounds |
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69,99 pounds |
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149.99 pounds |
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49.99 pounds |
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179.99 poundspics courtesy of vogue.co.uk |
Ceny jsou jaké jsou, řešit to nebudeme. Dostupné nebo nedostupné. Stejný problém s každou collab kolekcí H&M. Všechno lepší než 10K a víc ale i tak. Kvalita, design a renomé holt nechodí zadarmo a pěšky.
Na závěr se tak nabízí klasická otázka - Líbí se vám to tak, že investujete nebo se obejdete?
... za mě aspoň ty boty, hezky prosím (a koho vlastně zajímá pohodlí?).
* At the second sight - selection name is obvious The most iconic. Fringe ankle boots with incredibly weird (and uncomfy) heel, lace-up, leather super crop pants, timeless jumper which will be your company during break up phase, arctic way by plane, walking your dog in the rain or with a flu which you want to beat on the couch (with chocolate and mulled wine). Cant forget about wrapped or 'back to kindergarten girl' frill skirt and The minimalist coat you would wear for 15-20 year (with a bit of luck and wisdom), ok not so long but still.
Prices are what they are, lets not talk about that. Affordable or not its the same question with every collab collection, isnt it.Well everything is better than 400euros or more i guess. Quality, design and repute just dont walk alone and for free.
In addition to this one more question (classic one) - will you invest or you can live without even one piece of this collection?
.... at least those shoes for me please (who cares about comfort anyway)
I cannot wait to lay my hands on these pieces!
OdpovědětVymazatGoogle + / Twitter / Bloglovin / Check out BASI
Cassandra | Backtofive
Lovely collection! The first jacket is perfect
i wish we could see her wedges!! :(
OdpovědětVymazatis this the actual collection for H&M?
OdpovědětVymazatnot bad at all finally!
Coline ♡
Tiene muy buena pinta!
první outfit je pěkný :) ceny jsou přemrštěné :(
OdpovědětVymazatThe collection is amazing!
is a beautiful collection but I love most the one with gisele!!!
do you follow me on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/NewYorkParigiMilano) or instagram (http://instagram.com/manualloro)
I love the items! I love H&M :)
All I want is the sweater and the bone stitched pants... I'll be a very, very happy gal! :)
OdpovědětVymazatI cannot wait to shop some items of this collection! Great post btw ;)
Love the collection! Have you seen my post of Isabel Marant? It's very funny, haha! Check it HERE
OdpovědětVymazatWITH LOVE,
lovin the boots !!!! <3 amaaaaaaazing !!!! <3
very effective
OdpovědětVymazatLOVE! Can't wait to get some of these items! x